Thursday, March 6, 2014


It's been a busy week and today was the first day I was able to sit on my front porch with my lemon water.  And this is what welcomed me as I walked out the door.  :)

Do you see it?  It's the first flower on the tree.  I knew it was coming.  There are several more that will be coming behind this one.  Since we've lived in this house, this first flower of the year is always a welcome sign that spring is coming.  We've had a week of drenching rain, but that is March in Washington.  It's just another sign that spring is coming.  Daylight Saving Time starts this weekend.  That is my Christmas Day.  :)  Longer days, more light.  I am ready.

It's time for new beginnings.  I feel them brewing in my life.  I feel them percolating all around me in my family and my friends too.  Big stuff is coming.

I have realized this year that Spring and Fall are my two favorite seasons.  They are times of transition.  As summer wanes, I feel things slowing down in my life.  Fall allows me time to slow down and prepare for the hibernation of sorts that occurs over the winter.  By the end of summer, I am ready for fall.  I am ready for shorter days and longer nights and more time to cocoon inside (I am an introvert after all).  And around here, fall brings the excitement of football and weekly anticipation of the next game.  :)

Then winter arrives and with it comes regeneration.  A readiness for change and new growth is developed in the quiet of winter.  And it prepares me for spring.

And here we are.  Awakening from the slumber of winter.  Last night I was driving home from work and as I flipped through channels on the radio, I caught a Mariners spring training game and it was as though I was immediately transported back to my childhood.  I couldn't change the channel.  Baseball is the soundtrack of my childhood.  My mom was a huge baseball fan and we lived in a late 70s era home with an in-house intercom system.  Mom would turn on the game and it would play throughout the house.  The sounds of the announcers and the fans and the crack of a bat hitting a ball...they just bring me back to a place of comfort.  Of a simpler time in life.    

I'm ready for the longer days and baseball and new beginnings.

Today is exactly two months since I started my daily lemon water.  I haven't missed a day.  I can't really tell you specifically what it has done for me, except to say it gives me time to slow down every morning.  I don't rush out the door.  It gives me time for a morning reflection.  It gives me time to focus on me and the day ahead.  And it reminds me to care for myself.  I have been working on health this year.  It's been two months.  I've lost 8 pounds.  I would have like to have been double that, but 8 pounds is about a pound a week and that's actually pretty healthy.  This is the way I need to lose the weight if I want to keep it off.  Even more importantly is that I feel healthier and stronger.  I feel muscle on my body that has been missing.  I have lost 16(!) inches across my body.  THAT is a huge change.

I am transforming...both externally and internally.  I will be 45 in 8 weeks.  I wanted to feel good on my birthday this year.  I believe I will as I'm already feeling pretty good these days.  Something about 45 is striking me as a big year.  I'm not sure how I got to 45 but the calendar doesn't lie.  And I'm okay with it.  I've enjoyed my 40s.  I would say it's been my best decade so far.  :)  45 definitely feels as though it's bringing something big.  And I will be done with school before fall makes its way around again.  5 years of school.  Down to just a few months now.  It's exciting and scary at the same time.  45 will bring a Masters degree.  And new opportunities.  And a 16 year old into my home (ack!).  

But I'm ready.  Let's do this.  Bring on spring.  Bring on 45.  Bring on new beginnings.  Doors will close.  Doors will open.  There will be challenges.  But I've survived all the challenges thrown at me in the past.  I'm stronger because each of them.  And there are always joys on the other side of every challenge. 

Here's to new beginnings! 

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