Friday, January 2, 2015

Summarized Thoughts of SOAR Program

So, I did it.  I completed the entire program.  Not only did I read the book from cover to cover, but I completed all 11 DVDs.  And I'm currently loading the Take Me Along CD on to my iPhone.  

While loading this CD, I'm listening to it.  There is significant discussion about anti-anxiety meds which I found quite interesting.  As a very anti-med person, this isn't an option for me and I do believe with Capt. Bunn's opinion that all we have learned in this program is SO much more powerful than anti-anxiety meds.  

Capt. Bunn also addresses anticipatory anxiety and that there is not much that can be done about that.  He says even the most experienced performers often still get anxious before a show, but once they're on stage they are fine.  I know many childbirth educators that feel this way as well.  Capt. Bunn mentions that some performers feel that on the days they didn't have anticipatory anxiety, they didn't perform as well.  There is something in that anxiety that actually helps us perform better, or in this case, fly on a plane.  We should expect and welcome anticipatory anxiety, just not let it get too out of control and practice one of the exercises we learned in the program.  I've already used this exercise in other stressful situations in my life and find it works well.  It's really all about mindfulness and being in THIS moment.

Capt. Bunn mentions that we should plan to keep our mind busy and to bring along books or games or knitting.  I already have several books I'll be bringing along with me on the plane.  Reading didn't really work for me on my last set of flights, but I'm hopeful with all I now know, these two flights will be different.  The goal is to stay out of "what if" and stay in the "what is".  

The remaining tracks on this CD are to be used at different times of the flight...arriving at the airport, an exercise while in the airport, in the boarding area, waiting to board, meeting the pilot, when settled in your seat, climb and cruise and landing.  I did listen to them all... they're all review of the program, but to listen to as you're moving your way through the flight.

I basically said a lot of my feelings through the past posts of each DVD, but I just have to say, every single penny, and every single minute, I have spent on this program is worth it.  You don't just get DVDs, but countless e-mails...all of which I have printed and are bringing with me...split up by topic so I can quickly access on the flight as well.  Plus, you get access to Capt. Bunn.  He replies personally to e-mails and there is a message board on the site on which he is very active.  This is such an amazingly thorough program.  I would recommend it to anyone.  Again...I'm not getting commission or kick-backs.  I just truly love this program.  Of course, I guess the real test will come in a couple of weeks and, I'll definitely report back then.  

The next couple of weeks will include some anticipatory anxiety, I'm sure.  I'm going to be asking for help from people to keep me in their thoughts and to provide me support as I take on conquering this pretty enormous fear of mine.  But, so far, I'm feeling much more confident than I ever thought I could.  This book in conjunction with my own personal therapy WILL help me through these next two flights.  I am confident of that.  I know it won't be perfect, but I'm shooting for much improved.

Time is counting down.  It's getting close.  And I CAN DO THIS! :)

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