Friday, August 30, 2013

I Miss Her

I had a rough night last night.  Sleep evaded me.  I tossed and turned a lot.  I woke hungry with the realization that I ate very little yesterday.  This morning I am still hungry, but not much sounds palatable.

I miss Luna.  

Thank goodness for my night owl son who woke me in the early morning hours to tell me there were still candles lit.  Sheesh...Fire and grief shouldn't go together.  

I took some photos with my phone last night.  I'm going to post them here.  I thought about posting them on FB, but I figure if I post them here, people can click in and view them if they so choose.  I think they're beautiful, but I know not everyone feels the same way about death.  I think it's odd that there are not photographers at funerals and beside death beds.  Honestly, maybe I should do that work.  We take pictures at birth, why do we not at death?  We did last night...and these pictures will be precious memories of the end of Luna's life.

This is the pile of Luna's meds (and this wasn't all of them...some were all used and tossed already).

This was Luna after the tranquilizer set in.  The first dose of pain meds and sedative did nothing for her.  Her body was working so poorly that things weren't processing through her as hoped.  We were all feeling very stressed that Luna was not ever going to settle and we were going to have to take her out to the Vet's truck to get anesthesia through a mask.  We were both grateful and sad when the tranquilizer finally began to work.

Olly and Christopher and Luna

Lexa came at some point.  She sat in the window and pretended not to notice or care what was going on, but I don't believe that was true.  She was almost always in the room.  And this morning she is obviously upset and trying to figure out what to do with the way she feels.  At this point and time, she's taking it out on Lightning (our oldest cat).

This is Dr. Sue Preston.  She is one of the angels that walk the earth.  She is shaving Luna's leg in the hopes of getting a vein.  We're still not sure if it will work with as little as Luna's body is working and the chance of having to go out to the truck is still possible, but we're all hoping for the best here.  We kept all the fur that was shaved.  Parents keep the first locks from their baby's first haircut, why wouldn't we keep some of Luna's at the end?

Olly holding Luna's leg to help the vein pop while Dr. Preston's prepares to inject the final dose that will allow Luna to be free of this painful body.

She has the vein.  It's almost over.

The final injection.

She was gone within seconds.  Peacefully.

Christopher blew me away.  He insisted on being present the entire time.  I don't know if I could have done this at 11.  And I was so thankful that my kind-hearted husband cried openly tonight so Christopher could see that it's okay for men to cry.

Sweet, Sweet Luna.  Finally out of pain.

This is as close as Lexa got, but it was obvious that she knew what was happening.

Dr. Preston left us alone shortly after Luna had passed.  Olly, Christopher and I spent quite a bit of time with her and then I asked Christopher if he wanted a few minutes alone with her.  He said yes and Olly and I headed up the stairs.  I had to get this one shot from the top of the stairs before we left him in private.  I love this kid and his kind, compassionate heart.  And for the record, I love Jonathan for his strength of character and knowing what is okay for him.  He felt badly that he couldn't be part of this, but I assured him that there was nothing to feel bad about.  He and Luna had said their good-byes.  Over the past several days, I caught him talking to Luna many times.  He'd immediately get up and move when he saw me.  But he said his good-byes his way and I am incredibly proud of him for doing what was right for him.

Rest In Peace Sweet Luna

2007 - 2013

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